Thursday, February 18, 2010

Waw to Mw2

At 6:45 tonight we will switch are clan from cod5 to Mw2 Please if you haven't yet purchesed it you have to, to stay in the clan. Purchase is for low priced At

No Xbox's please

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My extra normal dosen't work on the computer i have youtube on so i have to do it on my other comp so the videos will now be put on here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

SOTD has a new game

SOTD has announced a new game to other guild now we are on M.A.G Faction S.V.E.R add WidowsPride to join up.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi every one

Hi every one I'm having a good and bad day, xD First i need help because i want to buy the Guild hall for the guild Where the hell is the Ambassador. Good thing is the guild is setup with emblem and all, Please add my Skype we might just throw away the Vent server because Skype is easier. But we might switch back please help with my Problem.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Heres how to contact SOTD
Skype: Abbisi
Psn: WidowsPride/wyaatt

SOTD Guild Wars

SOTD would like you to look out for these Charecters on Gw
Prophecies: Abbas R Veil
PVP: Abbas Veil
Factions: Ginger Abbas
Nightfall: Abbas Reaper

SOTD Ventrilo

We did have a ventrilo but it was taken down we will restart it At March Third. Intill then i need to find a substitute ventrilo server Or i might just start it febuary depends on if i can afford to host again please keep reading for more info.